Free Shipping for orders $300+
Money back within 30 days for an exchange.
厳選された高級美容製品を詰め合わせた、当社のユニークなイスラエル コスメティック ボックスで、イスラエルの真髄を発見してください。
ガリラヤのラベンダー農園の至宝: ガリラヤの静かな丘陵地帯に広がるラベンダー農園で採れた製品の心地よい香りと自然の恵みに浸ってください。各アイテムは純粋な原料で作られており、この愛されているハーブの心を落ち着かせるエッセンスを捉えています。
ネティボットの手作りのおいしさ: ガザの近くに位置するネティボットは、回復力とコミュニティ精神で知られる町です。当社のボックスには、この地域の強さと美しさを体現する愛情と配慮を込めた地元の生産者が作った手作りの化粧品が入っています。
サマリアの植物の驚異: 土着の植物やハーブから作られた製品を通じて、サマリア地方の野生の美しさを体験してください。これらの化粧品は古代の伝統にインスピレーションを受けており、肌に栄養を与え、若返らせるように慎重に配合されています。
Shipping policy
A notification will be sent when your order has been shipped.Please note that some of our items are customized just for True to Israel, this might delay the shipment in few days (full info in the relevant product pages).
Delivery time
You can usually expect the package to arrive within1 week from day on which it is dispatched from our warehouse in Israel. Once your package is dispatched, a tracking number will be sent to you by email.
Delivery cost and conditions
Free Shipping is provided by True to Israel for a purchuse above US$300.
Duties and Taxes
True to Israel is now Live and started shipping to North America. True to Israel covers tax and duties only in the United States of America if such tax or duties apply.
Holy Land Oil Set
Our Holy Oils Collection presents three distinct bottles, each filled with a unique combination of ingredients mentioned in the Bible and cherished throughout history. Designed to deepen your connection to the Holy Land, these oils offer more than just a fragrance—they carry a story and a purpose.
Each bottle, paired with a biblical narrative, transforms these oils into more than a product; they become a meaningful part of your spiritual journey. Whether for personal use or as a thoughtful gift, these oils are perfect for blessing your loved ones and home.
True To Israel
At True to Israel, we wear our pride on our sleeves. Our clothing line is more than just fabric; it's a statement of unwavering support and love for Israel.